25 research outputs found

    Quiz for diskusjon og samarbeid i store klasser

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    Quiz er vorte populært som eit middel for Ã¥ aktivit læring, og for Ã¥ auka engagementet Ã¥t studentane pÃ¥ førelesing. Mange har teke til orde for quiz som eit nytt, innovativt og positivt verkemiddel, men det meste som er skrive tek utgangspunkt i at quiz er quiz, og alle veit kva det er. I denne artikkelen problematiserer med fenomenet, og drøftar ulike mÃ¥tar Ã¥ bruka quiz pÃ¥, med utgangspunkt i ein fallstudie frÃ¥ eit emne i grunnleggjande matematikk.&nbsp

    Adenosine induces growth-cone turning of sensory neurons

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    The formation of appropriate connections between neurons and their specific targets is an essential step during development and repair of the nervous system. Growth cones are located at the leading edges of the growing neurites and respond to environmental cues in order to be guided to their final targets. Directional information can be coded by concentration gradients of substrate-bound or diffusible-guidance molecules. Here we show that concentration gradients of adenosine stimulate growth cones of sensory neurons (dorsal root ganglia) from chicken embryos to turn towards the adenosine source. This response is mediated by adenosine receptors. The subsequent signal transduction process involves cAMP. It may be speculated that the in vivo function of this response is concerned with the formation or the repair and regeneration of the peripheral nervous system

    In Search of a Trade Mark: Search Practices and Bureaucratic Poetics

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    Trade marks have been understood as quintessential ‘bureaucratic properties’. This article suggests that the making of trade marks has been historically influenced by bureaucratic practices of search and classification, which in turn were affected by the possibilities and limits of spatial organisation and technological means of access and storage. It shows how the organisation of access and retrieval did not only condition the possibility of conceiving new trade marks, but also served to delineate their intangible proprietary boundaries. Thereby they framed the very meaning of a trade mark. By advancing a historical analysis that is sensitive to shifts, both in actual materiality and in the administrative routines of trade mark law, the article highlights the legal form of trade mark as inherently social and materially shaped. We propose a historical understanding of trade mark law that regards legal practice and bureaucratic routines as being co-constitutive of the very legal object itself

    Status for miljøet i norske havområder - Rapport fra Overvåkingsgruppen 2023

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    I denne rapporten gir Overvåkingsgruppen, for første gang, en felles vurdering av miljøtilstanden i Barentshavet og havområdene utenfor Lofoten, Norskehavet og Nordsjøen med Skagerrak. Det er også første rapport som bruker resultater fra det nylig utviklede fagsystemet for vurdering av økologisk tilstand. I denne rapporten dekkes to hovedtemaer: (1) Dominerende trekk i status og utvikling i økosystemet i alle tre havområdene, basert på vurderingene av økologisk tilstand, Overvåkingsgruppens rapport om forurensning fra 2022, indikatorer fra Overvåkingsgruppen som ikke er dekket under vurdering av økologisk tilstand, samt rapporter og annen relevant informasjon fra forskning, og (2) en vurdering av karbonbinding i marint plankton, marine vegetasjonstyper og marine sedimenter. I tillegg er det gitt en oppsummering for endringer i ytre påvirkning, vurdering av kunnskapsbehov samt en vurdering av indikatorverdier i forhold til referanseverdier og tiltaksgrenser. Vurderingen av dominerende trekk i utvikling og tilstand av miljøet som er gitt i kapittel 2, utgjør Overvåkingsgruppens bidrag til Faglig forums samlerapport om det faglige grunnlaget for revisjon og oppdatering av de helhetlige forvaltningsplanene for norske havområder.Status for miljøet i norske havområder - Rapport fra Overvåkingsgruppen 2023publishedVersio

    A framework for graphical and networked applications, an online 3D game, and tools

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    I dette prosjektet utviklet vi et rammeverk for grafikk- og nettverksapplikasjoner i C++. Rammeverket ble utviklet med kryssplattformstøtte i tankene. Det betyr at plattformspesifikke APIer ble innkapslet. Noen av funksjonene til rammeverket inkluderer blant annet nettverk, lyd, 2D- og 3D-grafikk, skjelettanimering, tekstgjengivelse. Videre ble rammeverket tatt i bruk for å utvikle et flerspiller 3D-nettspill. Et spill krever innhold, så vi utviklet også flere verktøyer for å hjelpe med dette. Vi utviklet redigeringsverktøy for spillverdenen, spillskriptene, objektene, og mer. Verktøyene lar deg blant annet forandre høydekart og tekstur for terrenget, definere og plassere objekter, redigere skripter for dialoger og hendelser i spillet. Den grunnleggende spillkoden, slik som kode for grafisk gjengivelse og skripter, ble satt i et eget bibliotek. Klienten, serveren, og verktøyene bruker denne felleskoden, og ble bygd på toppen av den

    Hva bør en kompetansestrategi inneholde for å bidra til en vellykket omstilling til et nytt industriområde?

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    I denne oppgaven blir det undersøkt hva som inngår i en god kompetansestrategi og hva en godt etablert kompetansestrategi har å si for en bedrift i omstilling. Oppgaven tar utgangspunkt i en bedrift innenfor olje & gass industrien som skal omstille seg til fornybar energi. Det er en strategisk omstilling hvor det vil være et behov for å fornye kompetansen innad i bedriften. Omstillingen er drevet av markedet og at alle nasjoner skal opptre mer miljøvennlig. Det å anskaffe kompetanse innen et fagfelt som er relativt nytt er utfordrende. Hvordan en kompetansestrategi spiller inn og betydningen den kan ha for at bedriften skal ha en vellykket omstilling, er hovedtemaet i denne oppgaven. Vi har utført en kvalitativ studie der vi har fått et godt datagrunnlag fra respondentene for å besvare forskningsspørsmålene og problemstillingen. Med bakgrunn i 10 semistrukturerte intervjuer viser resultatene hvor viktig det er med god informasjonsflyt, aktivt engasjerte ansatte og ledere med lederkompetanse. Vi anser det som essensielt at alle ansatte har kjennskap til den pågående omstillingsprosessen for å sikre en vellykket omstilling. Samtidig er det viktig at det foreligger en plan for hvordan bedriften skal erverve den nødvendige nøkkelkompetansen. Hovedtemaene i denne oppgaven er kompetansestrategi, læringsmiljø og omstillingsevne. Ut ifra dem har det blitt formulert tre forskningsspørsmål som blir besvart i kapittel 4: Resultat og drøfting. For de fleste bedrifter som opererer innenfor den tradisjonelle olje & gass næringen er dette et interessant tema som med stor sannsynlighet ikke får nok oppmerksomhet. Vi håper derfor at denne oppgaven kan bidra til at bedrifter i omstilling til å få en bedre forståelse for hvordan kompetanse, omstilling, utvikling og lederskap henger sammen.This thesis examines what a good competence strategy and what a well-established competence strategy has to say for a company in transition. The thesis is based on a company in the oil & gas industry that will adapt to renewable energy. The company is in a strategic change where they will need to renew the competence within the company. The transition is driven by the market and that all nations should act more environmentally friendly. Acquiring competence in a field that is new is challenging. How a competence strategy plays a role and the significance it can have for the company to have a successful restructuring, is the main theme in this thesis. We have carried out a qualitative study where we have gathered a good data basis from the respondents. The data gather will form the basis to answer the research questions and the problem. Based on 10 semi-structured interviews, the results show how important it is to communicate and share information, actively engaged employees and managers with leadership skills. We consider it to be essential that all employees have knowledge of the ongoing transition process to ensure a successful transition. At the same time, it is important that there is a plan for how the company will acquire the necessary key competence. The main themes in this thesis are competence strategy, learning environment and adaptability. Based on them, three research questions have been formulated which are answered in Chapter 4: Result and discussion. This is an interesting topic for most companies operating in the traditional oil & gas industry and is a topic that most likely do not get enough attention. The goal for this thesis is therefor to help companies in transition to gain a better understanding of how competence, restructuring, development and leadership are connected

    Retrospective screening of synthetic cannabinoids, synthetic opioids and designer benzodiazepines in data files from forensic post mortem samples analysed by UHPLC-QTOF-MS from 2014 to 2018

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    The introduction of new psychoactive substances (NPS) on the illicit drug market has led to major challenges for the analytical laboratories. Keeping screening methods up to date with all relevant drugs is hard to achieve and the risk of missing important findings in biological samples is a matter of concern. Aiming for an extended retrospective data analysis, diagnostic fragment ions from synthetic cannabinoids (n = 251), synthetic opioids (n = 88) and designer benzodiazepines (n = 26) not included in our original analytical method were obtained from the crowdsourced database HighResNPS.com and converted to a personalized library in a format compatible with the analytical instrumentation. Data files from the analysis of 1314 forensic post mortem samples with an Agilent 6540 ultra high pressure liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UHPLC-QTOF-MS) performed in our laboratory from January 2014 to December 2018 were retrieved and retrospectively processed with the new personalized library. Potentially positive findings were grouped in two: The most confident findings contained MS/MS data for library match (category 1) whereas the less confident findings lacked such data (category 2). Five new category 1 findings were identified: Flubromazepam in two data files from 2015 and 2016, respectively, phenibut (4-amino-3-phenylbutyric acid) in one data file from 2015, fluorofentanyl in one data file from 2016 and cyclopropylfentanyl in one data file from 2018. Retention time matches with reference standards further strengthened these findings. A list of 35 presumably positive category 2 findings was generated. Of these, only one finding of phenibut was considered plausible after checking retention times and signal-to-noise ratios. This study shows that new compounds can be detected retrospectively in data files from QTOF-MS using an updated library containing diagnostic fragment ions. Automatic screening procedures can be useful, but a manual re-evaluation of positive findings will always be necessary. (C) 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V

    Silva Nova – Restoring soil biology and soil functions to gain multiple benefits in new forests

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    Afforestation is proposed as one of the most effective climate solutions for carbon sequestration. As a majority of threatened species are linked to forests, afforestation can also contribute to mitigate the biodiversity crisis. There is however a caveat: the agricultural legacy (high nutrient availability, altered soil biota structure and function) of new forests constrains the development of forest-adapted species, affects tree growth and stability, and delays environmental benefits from afforestation.We hypothesize that inoculation of former arable land with soil (including microbiome, fauna and seeds/rhizomes of understory vegetation) from old forests along with targeted tree species mixtures will improve productivity and more rapidly restore forest-adapted communities. This will ultimately result in diverse, stable and resilient multifunctional forests.We will test this hypothesis and develop applied inoculation methods by: i) exploring soil biota and benchmarking biodiversity in existing afforestation research Chronosequence platforms (chronosequences and sites with increasing distance to other forests); ii) conducting inoculation experiments in mesocosms to measure seedling performance and, above- and belowground linkages; iii) establishing field-scale inoculation experiments in new and existing afforestations to test short- and long-term inoculation success on forest productivity, biodiversity and soil functioning at the ecosystem scale; iv) incorporating the landscape context into guidelines and tools for spatially explicit prioritization of areas for assisted dispersal.The aims are to resolve barriers for successful restoration and develop landscape-scale afforestation strategies that optimize productivity and biodiversity for the planning and implementation of green infrastructure; and produce basic knowledge on the tree, understory vegetation, soil fauna and microbiome nexus and its effect on forest productivity, biodiversity and soil functions (N-retention, C-sequestration, methane uptake)